Watch life-changing short video everyday this Lent Season.
Hosted by Matthew Kelly at Dynamic Catholic.
It's a life-changing short videos that will guide you on an incredible journey toward the-best-version-of-yourself.
From Ash Wednesday to Easter, you'll discover ways to transform your life in forty days.
1. Ash Wednesday - Day 1 | A Call to Action WATCH VIDEO
You are cordially invited . . .
We would like to extend you an invitation: not only to this series, but also to your most fruitful Lent yet. Jesus is waiting at the door of your heart to change your life from the inside out. How will you respond to him during the next forty days?
2. Mar 07, 2019 - Day 2 | A Hunger WATCH VIDEO
Do you really want to be happy? We all claim it’s what we want, yet have you stopped to think about what this really looks like—or why your efforts to be happy are so often in vain? Today we explore the idea of what it means to be happy and why it is central to our faith.
3. Mar 08, 2019 - Day 3 | The Cricket Bat WATCH VIDEO
What is a cricket bat, and what does it have to do with anything? Fair questions. In today’s video Matthew addresses these matters, as well as the things you may think will make you happy . . . but don’t. What’s your cricket bat?
4. Mar 09, 2019 - Day 4 | A Return to Curiosity WATCH VIDEO
What is the meaning of your life? Would you be able to answer this question? In today video Matthew invites you to return to curiosity and bring purpose and meaning back into your life.
5. Mar 10, 2019 - First Sunday of Lent | The Greatest Weapon WATCH VIDEO
What can you do in forty days? In today video Allen Hunt recalls how Jesus defeated the temptations of Satan during his time in the desert and came out ready to begin his public life.
What will you accomplish during 40 days of Lent?
6. Mar 11,2019 - Day 5 | The Great Pretenders WATCH VIDEO
Honesty. You can’t get very far without it in the Christian life. If you need help facing and living the truth, today’s video will help you do just that.
7. Mar 12, 2019 - Day 6 | This is the Lie WATCH VIDEO
What is the biggest lie in the history of Christianity?
Today Matthew reveals the biggest lie and shares how it can give your life purpose.
What makes it hard for you to believe that holiness is possible for you?
8. Mar 13, 2019 - Day 7 | The Great Collaboration WATCH VIDEO
So if the biggest lie in the history of Christianity is that holiness is not possible for me, and that so many of us have accepted that lie, a common response would be, “Okay, well, prove it. Prove to me that holiness is possible for me.”
9. Mar 14, 2019 - Day 8 | Blurred Lines WATCH VIDEO
It is much easier to live in the gray than it is to admit there is a black and a white. Today’s video reminds us of the importance of living in truth, especially when it comes to our happiness.
10. Mar 15, 2019 - Day 9 | He lived WATCH VIDEO
There are many lies in the history of Christianity.
The first lie—and the reason it's the first lie is because if this lie was true, then you wouldn't need any other lies. The first lie is that Jesus didn't exist. But whether or not Jesus actually existed is completely beyond dispute for anybody with even an ounce of intellectual honesty.
Why do you believe in Jesus? And what would you be willing to do to introduce him to somebody you know?
11. Mar 16, 2019 - Day 10 |Trustful Surrender WATCH VIDEO
It can be difficult to trust. But just like children put their complete trust in their parents, we can put our complete trust in God. Today we are encouraged to let go and make ourselves more available to him.
12. Mar 17, 2019 - Second Sunday of Lent | Listen to Him WATCH VIDEO
Some of the most remarkable people are the ones who go unnoticed. Today Allen Hunt comments on the beauty of life as a "holy nobody."
13. Mar 18, 2019 - Day 11 | One Moment WATCH VIDEO
Life doesn’t happen all at once—it’s one moment at a time. Do you live one moment at a time? As Matthew talks about in today’s video, present-moment awareness is a crucial part of our spiritual health.
14. Mar 19, 2019 - Day 12 | Let’s Be Honest WATCH VIDEO
Are you honest with God? While he knows them already, it serves you well to speak frankly with God about your hopes, fears, frustrations, and challenges . . . he wants you to bring them to him, to leave them at the foot of the cross. Are you honest with God?
15. Mar 20, 2019 - Day 13 | Virtuous WATCH VIDEO
Virtue feels like a tired, outdated word, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, it lies at the heart of our Christian lives. Learn in today’s video what it means to be virtuous and how it relates to your happiness and holiness.
16. Mar 21, 2019 - Day 14 | Necessary - Possible - Impossible WATCH VIDEO
Why do you pray? Why do we have the sacraments? Grace. We need it more than anything else to do the will of God. In today’s video we discover what is necessary to make the impossible possible.
17. Mar 22, 2019 - Day 15 | Be the Change WATCH VIDEO
As Christians, we are charged with the mission of bringing about a revolution of the heart. This begins interiorly with each one of us. If you want the world to change, it starts with you.
18. Mar 23, 2019 - Day 16 | Bloom Where You're Planted WATCH VIDEO
How can you make the world a better place? Here and now. You don’t have to travel across continents or change jobs. You can begin in the smallest of ways right where you are . . .
19. Mar 24, 2019 - Third Sunday of Lent | Where Is the Fruit? WATCH VIDEO
Lent is a time of repentance. Listen to today's Gospel reflection to discover what this means for you.
20. Mar 25, 2019 - Day 17 | Tiny but Mighty WATCH VIDEO
The more you think you can attain holiness for yourself through mighty deeds, the farther away you become from achieving it. Matthew reminds us in today’s reflection that holiness comes from the humility of doing the next right thing—quietly and unnoticed.
21. Mar 26, 2019 - Day 18 | The Great Encourager WATCH VIDEO
The more you think you can attain holiness for yourself through mighty deeds, the farther away you become from achieving it. Matthew reminds us in today’s reflection that holiness comes from the humility of doing the next right thing—quietly and unnoticed.
22. Mar 27, 2019 - Day 19 | The Difference Maker WATCH VIDEO
Making a difference starts by being different. Today’s reflection inspires us to be difference makers.
23. Mar 28, 2019 - Day 20 | One Hundred Percent WATCH VIDEO
Christianity has been driven to the outskirts of society. In order to bring it back we will need 100 percent unity. Today Matthew discusses what a 100 percent issue looks like and why it’s so important.
24. Mar 29, 2019 - Day 21 | The Underdog WATCH VIDEO
The world has written Christianity off, but we haven’t. Today we explore what it would look like to have a Christian comeback, what your role is, and why the time is ripe for it.
25. Mar 30, 2019 - Day 22 | The Wrong Solution WATCH VIDEO
Often we search in all the wrong places for the answers to our daily struggles and challenges. Today’s reflection considers what could be the wrong solution to your problems and where to find a better one.
26. Mar 31, 2019 - Fourth Sunday of Lent | The Return WATCH VIDEO
Have you ever left home for a while and then returned after a period of time? Today’s Gospel reminds us of how passionately God longs for us to come home to him, no matter how far away we’ve been or how long we’ve been gone.
27. April 01, 2019 - Day 23 | Beautiful Context WATCH VIDEO
Context is an unexpectedly beautiful thing. Today Matthew explains why it is so beautiful and how it can inspire you in your own life.
28. April 02, 2019 - Day 24 | Holy Attraction WATCH VIDEO
Mother Teresa was the most photographed woman in the world. Her holiness attracted people. In today's reflection, you learn how to harness holiness to draw others in.
29. April 03, 2019 - Day 25 | An Ability to Desire WATCH VIDEO
Desire is one of the most important things in our lives. Today Matthew reveals what you have that people want and how to make the most of it.
30. April 04, 2019 - Day 26 | Attraction for Promotion WATCH VIDEO
Poster ads are not the most effective marketing tool when it comes to becoming a disciple of Jesus. Today we learn how to attract others to Christianity in real ways.
31. April 05, 2019 - Day 27 | The Good Doctor WATCH VIDEO
You have real and immediate needs. Today Matthew emphasizes the importance of meeting them and how Christianity does just that.
32. April 06, 2019 - Day 28 | Ten Things WATCH VIDEO
Every one of us walks into church with important things on our minds—God wants us to bring them to him.
33. April 07, 2019 - Fifth Sunday of Lent | A Stone’s Throw WATCH VIDEO
In today’s Gospel, Jesus stands up against hypocrites in order to embrace the weak and helpless. You are invited to do the same in your own life.
34. April 08, 2019 - Day 29 | A Human Person WATCH VIDEO
It can be difficult to wrap our heads around the reality that Jesus is fully human and fully God. Today we explore Jesus’ humanity and just how close to you he truly is.
35. April 09, 2019 - Day 30 | Reputation WATCH VIDEO
Everything is not what it seems. Today Matthew comments on the reputation of Christians and what you need to do to change it.
36. April 10, 2019 - Day 31| Serving Powerfully WATCH VIDEO
You have incredible potential to change someone’s life; how are you serving others? Today we develop a deeper understanding of how we are called to serve—and serve powerfully.
37. April 11, 2019 - Day 32| A Moment of Forgiveness WATCH VIDEO
One of the most difficult things you’ll do in life . . . today’s reflection reminds us of the power of a moment of forgiveness.
38. April 12, 2019 - Day 33| A Wake-Up Call WATCH VIDEO
Complacency. Are you living a life of quiet discontent? Here is your wake-up call, your invitation to live a full and joyful life.
39. April 13, 2019 - Day 34| No Excuses WATCH VIDEO
You may use many excuses to avoid making yourself available to God—but a valid one is yet to be found. In today’s reflection we look at the excuses we often tell ourselves and how to see right through them.
40. April 14, 2019 - Palm Sunday | When Darkness Reigns WATCH VIDEO
A moment of darkness—you’ve had one, and so has Jesus. Today’s Gospel relives Jesus’ journey to Calvary.
41. April 15, 2019 - Day 35| Twelve Holy Men WATCH VIDEO
A Christian is called to discipleship. What does this mean? Today Matthew lays out the concept of spiritual multiplication and how you can apply it to your own life.
42. April 16, 2019 - Day 36| Dirty Little Secret WATCH VIDEO
What is your dirty little secret? Many of us carry around the exact same one. Today Matthew addresses the secret many of us hold onto and speaks truth into this area of our lives.
43. April 17, 2019 - Day 37| God's Criteria WATCH VIDEO
Often we get caught up in ideas of what God wants from us; the list may be extensive and complicated. In reality God has one criterion. Today’s reflection shares what it is and how you can very simply attain it.
44. April 18, 2019 - Holy Thursday | The Biggest Mistake WATCH VIDEO
The biggest mistake is one we all make often. In today’s reflection Matthew reveals this mistake and how you can avoid it.
45. April 19, 2019 - Good Friday | Hearts on Fire WATCH VIDEO
Today you were given a savior. Jesus ransomed his life for us. This should inspire us to love him and to know him intimately. Today Matthew talks about what inspires us and why it matters.
46. April 20, 2019 - Holy Saturday | God Said WATCH VIDEO
God never stops speaking to us, but often we stop listening.
47. April 21, 2019 - Easter Sunday |Victorious WATCH VIDEO
He is risen. We are victorious. Do you believe?